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To strengthen permaculture design skills Aleksandra is taking a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design with the UK Permaculture Association. This process is based on self-managed planning, work and learning. As a result, a Diploma Portfolio of minimum 10 Designs should demonstrate proficiency in Permaculture design and a thorough understanding of the Permaculture ethics and design principles.


Homestead design

Making a design for your entire homestead is an exciting but a highly responsible task. Luckily, there is an abundance of design tools and methods that help steer your way. This design is about defining which systems we need, where they shall be placed and how they shall interact with each other and in a sustainable manner.

Forest Garden

Designing the first forest garden of your own is a thrilling experience. Getting to plan the plant guilds, the different layers from ground covers to climbers and watch it grow significantly in just a few years is a wonderful adventure. This project is about transforming 100m2 of lawn into a small forest garden that can sustain a family of five with perennial vegetables and berries.

Forest Garden

Fruit Orchard

In this design, 560 m2 of lawn are used to establish a permaculture fruit orchard, focusing on fruit and berry production, and biodiversity. A small mini-kiwi orchard is planned as a try-out for potential future business endeavor. Big focus on variety of herbaceous flowering ground covers as a means to attract more varied insect life.

Fruit Orchard

Children’s Book

This design is about children picture book production. About writing and illustrating, formatting and selling, starting a company and fulfilling a dream. But it’s also about creating cultural capital and popularization of permaculture.

Children’s Book

Becoming permaculture teacher

This design is about the journey of becoming a permaculture teacher. Self-analysis, sophistication of knowledge and skills, practice and personal growth.

Becoming permaculture teacher


The project goes in depth into the theory of composting and identifies the most practical and useful solution for a specific given situation.

Image by julien Tromeur

Online presence

Can you spread information and knowledge without any online presence? Is it enough to have a website? Do you absolutely have to engage in social media? This design studies how to establish an online presence that doesn't conflict with one’s values.

Permaculture cooking

A two-fold design: what should be changed in our cooking routines to make them more in line with permaculture ethics? As well as, sharing some of the traditional Slavic recipes with a hope to inspire more diverse use of tradiotional crops.


Water resilience in the garden

The design covers rain collection and irrigation systems, as well as storing water in landscape. 

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