- Jun 5, 2022
- Jun 5, 2022
- Jun 5, 2022
Share a special moment with your child, reading a funny story for the little ones with a big message: “Live and let live”.
A book for 3-5 year-olds
Language: Danish
Size: 28x28 cm
Excellent for dialogic reading: Rich and expressive illustrations. Limited text and repetitiveness. Observe characters’ face expressions, can you guess their emotions? How many slugs can you count?
Mom, dad and their two kids are happy about moving to the countryside. Until one day they discover uninvited visitors eating away at fruits and vegetables in their garden! Maybe the family has to stand up and fight the intruders, but maybe there is another way… A book for the little ones, about the value of each form of life. Even if it's a KILLER SLUG!
To strengthen permaculture design skills Aleksandra is taking a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design with Nordic Permaculture Academy. This process is based on self-managed planning, work and learning. As a result, a Diploma Portfolio of minimum 10 Designs should demonstrate proficiency in Permaculture design and a thorough understanding of the Permaculture ethics and design principles.